Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Medical Mirror

How would you check person vital signs? You would do this attaching sensors to the body or doing it manually by counting your pulse per minute or heart rate per minute. Well if you’re wondering if there is an easier way to do this, the answer is yes, it is a medical mirror. A Student in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program is working on a system that could measure these health indicators just by putting a person in front of a low-cost camera such as a laptop computer’s built-in webcam. The students name was Ming-Zher Poh. The system measures slight variations in brightness produced by the flow of blood through blood vessels in the face. Or put it this way the webcam in a monitor behind the two-way mirror captures the changes in the light reflected off the persons’ face when the heart beats. The computer translates the light data into a heart rate reading. It was preferably built into a bathroom mirror so that patients who need ongoing monitoring, or just people who want to keep track of their own health, could get pulse, respiration, oxygen saturation and blood-pressure readings routinely while they brush their teeth or wash up, all of this signs are displayed by the corner of the mirror and it only requires you to look at the camera in the mirror. Poh tested the medical mirror for how accurate it could be, it was said to be near perfect.

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